Antes que todo y primero que nada Gracias Teacher Doris, por hacer tan agradable estas largas 48 horas del curso, y por animarnos a dejar ese miedo y temor a equivocarnos al tratar de expresas nuestras ideas en Ingles, o a pronunciar palabras que no estábamos seguro de cómo se decían, pero con la seguridad de que vendría un explicación de la pronunciación correcta y un ejemplo de la misma.

Gracias por ayudarnos a entender sin darnos cuenta que aprendíamos Ingles, al igual por los conocimientos compartidos en el área de informática, blog’s, herramientas, diccionarios y magazines.

Espero podamos toparnos en el camino, y que en esa oportunidad sea yo quien pueda ayudarle y transmitirle los conocimiento e información que necesite.

Thank you very much again

Health Drive on the Colombian/Venezuelan Border
Wayuu Taya Foundation - Wednesday, 9 June 2010 09:19
Two health drives were held on the border between Colombia and Venezuela, reaching 3 communities in the Mara and Guajira municipalities. The initiative was made possible with the help of several companies and organizations and was promoted by CAVECOL (Venezuelan/Colombian Chamber for Economic Integration) and the Wayúu Tayá Foundation.

Anti-parasite treatments were offered in addition to health workshops and assistance to refugees; everything with direct involvement by the following organizations: SENIAT of Paraguachon (National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration), the Border Patrol; Bolivarian National Guard, doctors and nurses from the Red Cross, Sanitas Foundation of Venezuela and the Nestle’s Nutri Movil who provided nutritional evaluation, pediatric and gynecologist consultations, as well as general medicine.

1. Health Drive at the Yanama, Paraguachon School
More than 50 people from the health industry, drive facilitators and the Wayúu Tayá Foundation traveled to the Venezuelan Guajira to assist kids in the Yanama school and the Paraguachon community through a variety of workshops: Premature birth prevention, prevention of drug abuse, early detection of breast cancer, in addition to pediatric, gynecology, general medicine and nutritional assistance – (Sanitas of Venezuela and Breast assisted in promoting the above).

Community kids from the Intercultural school “Yanama”, expressed a message of love to Patricia Velázquez, president of the foundation, and asked her to visit the school.

The drives established interaction and rapport with the border communities between Colombia and Venezuela, offering medical and social assistance to the Wayúu indigenous community; benefiting 735 people divided accordingly:

  • Health and Prevention Workshops: 300
  • General Medicine: 50
  • Pediatrics: 91
  • Anti-parasite Prevention Treatment: 112
  • Gynecology: 25
  • Infant Nutrition: 157

2. Social Action in Tepichi Talashi
This same drive extended to Mara Municipality May 27, 2010, specifically at the Nerio Emiro Semprun “Tepichi Talashi” school of the Wayúu Tayá Foundation.

As part of the strategic alliances, we counted on the security logistics support of the government of Zulia State. Also present were the same institutions that accompanied the health drives, adding to these medical personnel from the Bolivarian Mara mayor’s office and Hydro Mara; providing children and adults all of the required medical attention, whereby a huge social impact was achieved with the student population and community in general.

  • Health and Prevention Workshop: 462
  • General Medicine: 50
  • Pediatrics: 228
  • Anti-parasite Treatment: 145
  • Vaccination: 60
  • Gynecology: 25
  • Infant nutrition: 157

 A TOTAL of 1,277 people received medical attention at Tepichi Talashi.

3. Jesús Redentor “Los Lechosos” School with Special Visit from Yehuda Berg, Eloisa Dudamal and Patricia Velásquez

The closing of the health drive was conducted at Jesús Redentor “Los Lechosos” School. Along with the Mara volunteers and the members of the foundation, they achieved the overwhelming success of this important social activity.

The health drive counted on the assistance of Patricia Velazquez, President of the Wayúu Tayá Foundation who was accompanied by Yehuda Berg of the Kabbalah Center and Eloisa Maturet, wife of world renown musical director, Gustavo Dudamel. They all toured the Tepichi Talashi and Jesús Redentor Schools, sharing special moments with the indigenous community of Mara municipality. The joy on children’s faces was evident in the three health drives where they received multivitamins, books, gifts and candy. Personnel from the Red Cross were in charge of painting the children’s faces.

Wayúu Tayá Foundation wished to thank all those who participated on this initiative making it a complete success!


Actividad a Realizar:
A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.
a) Reaching          
[(verb)] ->
b) Breast              
c) Overwhelming  
[(adj)]   ->

2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
Información acerca de las Jornadas Medicas realizadas por la Fundación Wayuu Taya en la Comunidad Indigena de Los Lechosos.

3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
•Palabras de contenido: (Specifically / Wished)
•Palabras de Función: (Between / And)
•Verbos:  ( Reaching / Arrived)
•Adverbio: (Also / Early)
•Adjetivo: (Following / Traveled)
•Artículo: (At / Than)
•Preposiciones: (Between / Through)
•Conjunción:  (And / Until)
•Cognados verdaderos: (Possible / Industry)
•Cognados Falsos: ( Faces -> Fases / Whereby -> Por Donde)
•Sufijo: (Accordingly / Interaction)
•Prefijos: (Anti-parasite / Intercultural)

B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)

Primer Ejemplo
Frasel: Wayúu Tayá Foundation wished to thank all those who participated on this initiative making it a complete success
1.Nucleo de la frase nominal: Foundation.
Pre modificadores: n/a
Post modificadores: n/a
Frase verbal: wished to thank all those who participated on this initiative making it a complete success

1.Nucleo de la frase verbal: Wished
2.Tiempo verbal: Pasado

Segundo Ejemplo
Frasel: The drives established interaction and rapport with the border communities between Colombia and Venezuela
1.Nucleo de la frase nominal: The drives
2. Pre modificadores: the
Post modificadores: n/a
Frase verbal: established interaction and rapport with the border communities between Colombia and Venezuela
1.Nucleo de la frase verbal: interaction and rapport
2.Tiempo verbal: Pasado
Aca les dejo el link al video que ilustra como insertar un video en el Blog.

Steven Paul Jobs (born February 24, 1955) is an American business magnate and inventor. He is well known for being the co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple. Jobs also previously served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, following the acquisition of Pixar by Disney.

In the late 1970s, Jobs, with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula, and others, designed, developed, and marketed one of the first commercially successful lines of personal computers, the Apple II series. In the early 1980s, Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of the mouse-driven graphical user interface which led to the creation of the Macintosh. After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985, Jobs resigned from Apple and founded NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher education and business markets. Apple's subsequent 1996 buyout of NeXT brought Jobs back to the company he co-founded, and he has served as its CEO since 1997.

In 1986, he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm Ltd which was spun off as Pixar Animation Studios. He remained CEO and majority shareholder until its acquisition by the Walt Disney company in 2006. Jobs is currently a member of Disney's Board of Directors.

Jobs' history in business has contributed much to the symbolic image of the idiosyncratic, individualistic Silicon Valley entrepreneur, emphasizing the importance of design and understanding the crucial role aesthetics play in public appeal. His work driving forward the development of products that are both functional and elegant has earned him a devoted following.

Jobs is listed as either primary inventor or co-inventor in over 230 both awarded patents and patent applications related to a range from actual computer and portable devices to user interfaces (including touch-based), speakers, keyboards, power adapters, staircases, clasps, sleeves, lanyards and packages.

Actividades a Realizar:
a. Seleccione un texto y escribe cuatro preguntas puntuales sobre (Fechas, sitios, etc) (Utilizar una biografia de algun referente al area de experticia).
       1) Place of Birth and Date of Birth of Steve Jobs?
       Born in San Francisco February 24, 1955
       2) Achievements?
       He is well known for being the co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple
       3) Occupation?
       Chairman and CEO, Apple Inc., Board of Directors, Walt Disney Company
       4) Residence
       Palo Alto, California, USA

b. Indica cuales son los marcadores de definicion, marcadores de tiempo y marcadores de secuencia presentes en tu texto.
      1) Marcadores de tiempo:
       February 24, 1955
       in 2006
       in 1985
       since 1997
       In 1986
       in 2006
       In 1972
       In the autumn of 1974
       * inter alias.

     2) Marcadores de Secuencia: First, Later, During, After, Until, On, In
     In the late 1970s
     In the early 1980s
     Until the end of June 2009
     During a July conference
     Two years later

     3) Marcadores de Definición: This is, for example, in other,suchs as, known, for instance, refers to, etc.
     He is well known for being the co-founder and chief executive officer of Apple
Career Tracks for Online Educators
The Proper Care and Feeding of Adjuncts
By Mark Welch, Bob Robertson, and Darren Adamson
March 16, 2010

Instructor retention equals student retention.

The formula seems so obvious, yet we seem to have overlooked it. Simply put, when the best online instructors can see a viable and attractive career track for themselves, they are more likely to be satisfied and more productive with the institution and their students.

There are approximately 7,000 colleges and universities in North America, and the vast majority of them are teaching online classes and offering fully online degrees, meaning instructors have countless options of where to teach. How can a program or university attract the best online instructors and keep them, thereby also retaining more students?

To increase instructor retention in online education, we propose four separate but interchangeable career tracks that instructors can move between.

Four Career Tracks for Online Instructors
1. Teachers. The first career track is for those who only want to teach and nothing else. In this track, we propose using academic rank as a type of compensation. We don't necessarily think it's best to use the same titles as in traditional academia, though. For example, Capella University (one of the author's alma mater) offers academic rank, such as core faculty. Other job title are professor of practice, mentor faculty, and senior professor. It could be said that in academia, the pay is poor, so institutions give titles to their faculty.

2. Administrators. The second track is partly or totally administration, such as associate dean, dean, or program chair. Many online programs are stuck in a paradigm that mandates their administration must be on campus. Returning to the Capella example, its deans and executive administration live all over the world. This type of flexibility is a very attractive incentive for the best and brightest faculty to work at an institution.

3. Faculty trainer or mentor. The third track is faculty trainer or mentor. These are the best online instructors who want to train and mentor other faculty.

We believe that all new instructors should be compensated when they shadow their first course and that they should have a mentor with them while they teach their first course. Some might add up the pay of the trainers and mentors and question the financial viability of this approach. We would remind them of the cost of replacing an employee at this level.

4. Researcher. In the fourth career track, professors and their graduate students conduct studies (short studies, articles, theses and even dissertations) regarding what factors increase instructor retention and the viability of these career tracks. These studies can then be published and presented at conferences, further helping to attract the best online instructors.


There's a simple return on investment for the online degree program here. There seems to be little or no research on cost of replacing an online professor. Typically, replacing a mid-level employee cost about 50 percent of their annual salary. This includes the costs for the time the position remains vacant, recruiting, training, and the time period for the new employee to get up to speed.

Retaining the best online instructors, can save significant money, which can be used to mitigate the impact of tuition increases and to fund implementation of additional student and faculty retention programs, such as those we are suggesting.

An example from one of the authors provides an appropriate conclusion; in fact, this moment was the impetus for this article:

"I remember my first day on a campus as a new instructor. When I walked into the classroom, the tension was almost visible. The students had checked the class schedule and did not see many of their favorite instructors listed. The students were upset and stressed. One student made this statement: 'It stopped me cold.' She said, 'If the college does not value the best instructors, then why do I think they value me? My instructors were smart, and they left this college. Maybe I should be smart and leave it as well.'"

About the Authors
Dr. Mark Welch, is the executive director of the Online Education Alliance, a graduate of Oxford University, and a former dean of Online Education.
Dr. Bob Robertson is the dean of the MBA program at St. Leo University. He also created the first doctorate of business administration program in Central Asia.
Dr. Darren Adamson has been the campus director of three Argosy University campus. He is also a practicing psychologist.


Observa la imagen y contesta las siguientes preguntas:
De acuerdo al título y la imagen ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que esta apunto de leer?
Clases a distancias

¿Cual es la idea general del texto?
La formación de los docentes que brindan clases en línea para mejorar su retención.

¿Que palabras se repiten?
Instructors, Example, Students, Online,

¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Formula, Instructors, Institution, Students, Classes, University, Professor,

¿Cuales son las palabras en negritas, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
  • The Proper Care and Feeding of Adjuncts
  • Four Career Tracks for Online Instructors
  • Teachers.
  • Professor of practice, mentor faculty, senior professor
  • Core faculty
  • Administrators.
  • Associate dean, dean,  program chair
  • Faculty trainer or mentor
  • Researcher
  • ROI
¿De qué trata el texto? (leer el primer párrafo y el ultimo o las ultimas ideas del ultimo párrafo)
Recursos que pueden utilizar para estimular y mejorar la retención de los profesores en línea.
Texto a Revisar:
5 Consequences Of Poor Time Management

Believe it or not, you may be sabotaging your own efforts to take control of your time and life. Why would you do this? Only you can say for sure, but one possibility is that you fear the “consequences” of a balanced life. In other words, your destructive habits might actually be serving a purpose in your life, and you fear letting them go because you might find yourself in situations that you don’t know how to handle!

Let’s take a look at some possible “consequences” of effective time management:

1. You would finally have time to pursue your dreams.
Even though you want to pursue your dreams and you long for the day when they become your reality, you may also be frightened of the ways they would change your life. It’s easier to complain about how you “never have enough time” to do the things you really want to do; then you’ll never have to take a risk and possibly fail or deal with the uncomfortable side effects that may come along with the realization of your dreams.

2. Your relationships might become more intimate.
Sometimes we use chaos and busyness to avoid confronting issues that are painful for us. For example, if your marriage has become dispassionate and disconnected, you might feel nervous about having the time to address and resolve it because you will put yourself in a more vulnerable position by opening up more deeply to your partner. It seems easier to keep avoiding the issue.

3. You would be able to hear your inner voice more clearly.
Have you ever become aware that you’ve been fooling yourself about something? You were absolutely convinced that one thing was true, but later you’re amazed that you couldn’t see the REAL truth staring you in the face! Don’t feel bad; we all “fool” ourselves like that from time to time and one of the ways we do that is by keeping ourselves so busy that we can’t hear our own inner voice when it’s trying to tell us something important. You may be trying to avoid an inner nudge toward a new life path, a new career, or even better health habits. If you get control of your life, you may suddenly find yourself faced with the need to make decisions that would be uncomfortable and scary.

4. You would have more time to help others.
Most of us are compassionate and we want to help others, but we also have a hard time balancing the needs of others with our own. If you have a hard time saying no, or keeping your own priorities in order, you might be trying to avoid being available to help others. Somewhere deep inside you might feel justified that you can’t possibly help others when your own life is so out of control!

a) Agree to the title and image, what do you think will be the topic that is about to read?
How to Organize Time

b) That way you organize your time?
Agendas and Calendars with appointments

c) According to your opinion, how important is to have a long life and organized?
Make a brief description if the answers were in line with what the text says
It is important to have more time to spend on things that do not involve work as well as exercise, time with children, reunions with friends. Time is extremely important to relax and de-stress the body.
En este Talle se utilizarán las habilidades adquiridas en los dos primeros días del talles tales como el uso del diccionario (en papel y digital) para saber el significado de las palabras desconocidas, luego para finalizar debemos identificar los Artículos, Sustantivos, Verbos, Adjetivos, Preposiciones, Conjunciones, Prefijos, Sufijos, Cognados Falsos, Cognados, Verdaderos, los cuales se resaltaran en colores para su identificación en el texto.

Contemporary electronic commerce involves everything from ordering "digital" content for immediate online consumption, to ordering conventional goods and services, to "meta" services to facilitate other types of electronic commerce.

On the consumer level, electronic commerce is mostly conducted on the World Wide Web. An individual can go online to purchase anything from books or groceries, to expensive items like real estate.
Another example would be online banking, i.e. online bill payments, buying stocks, transferring funds from one account to another, and initiating wire payment to another country. All of these activities can be done with a few strokes of the keyboard.

On the institutional level, big corporations and financial institutions use the internet to exchange financial data to facilitate domestic and international business. Data integrity and security are very hot and pressing
issues for electronic commerce today.


Consumption: (
the utilization of economic goods in the satisfaction of wants or in the
process of production resulting chiefly in their destruction, deterioration, or

( to relate closely

Pressing: (,
urgently important : critical a pressing issue

Urgente / Imperioso

Explicar el uso actual del comercio electrónico y ejemplificar los usos
del mismo en nuestra vida cotidiana.


Presente Simple.


Cognados Falsos
Cognados Verdaderos
Aca esta el texto original en Ingles de un parrafo para Ubicar la idea Principal:

The question they get time and time again is “What’s new in leadership?” They answer that while the context of leadership as changed dramatically, “the content of leadership has not changed much at all. The fundamental behaviors, actions, and practices of leaders have remained essentially the same since we first began researching and writing about leadership over three decades ago. Much has changed, but there’s a whole lot more that’s stayed the same.” That is probably the fundamental truth of leadership development. With that understanding, we can develop leaders in all contexts and weed out fact from fiction.

Aca esta el Texto Traducido a Español:

La pregunta que recibimos una y otra vez es "¿Qué hay de nuevo en el liderazgo?" Ellos responden que, si bien el contexto de liderazgo como un cambio drástico, "el contenido de la dirección no ha cambiado mucho en todos. Los comportamientos fundamentales, acciones y prácticas de los líderes se han mantenido esencialmente el mismo desde que comenzamos a investigar y escribir sobre el liderazgo hace más de tres décadas. Mucho ha cambiado, pero hay mucho más que los mantuvo en el mismo. "Esta es probablemente la verdad fundamental de desarrollo de liderazgo. En este entendimiento, podemos desarrollar líderes en todos los contextos y el hecho de malezas de la ficción

Idea Principal:
Desde hace tres decadas se habla de liderazgo, pero la respuesta que se da es que el Liderazgo va alineado con el lider y cambia con él.

Ten Truths about Leadership

In the last 30 years James Kouzes and Barry Posner, authors of the highly regarded leadership classic The Leadership Challenge, have studied leaders all over the world. They understand leadership.

The question they get time and time again is “What’s new in leadership?” They answer that while the context of leadership as changed dramatically, “the content of leadership has not changed much at all. The fundamental behaviors, actions, and practices of leaders have remained essentially the same since we first began researching and writing about leadership over three decades ago. Much has changed, but there’s a whole lot more that’s stayed the same.” That is probably the fundamental truth of leadership development. With that understanding, we can develop leaders in all contexts and weed out fact from fiction.

Based on thirty years of research—more than one million responses to their leadership assessment—Kouzes and Posner have gathered together in The Truth about Leadership, the ten truths that have stood the test of time and they hold true both globally and cross-generationally. They devote a chapter to each of these ten concepts:

Truth #1 You Make a Difference. Before you lead you have to believe that you can have a positive impact on others. When you believe you can make a difference, you position yourself to hear the call to lead.

Truth #2 Credibility Is the Foundation of Leadership. If people don’t believe in you, they won’t willingly follow you. You must do what you say you are going to do. This means being so clear about your beliefs that you can live them every day.

Truth #3 Values Drive Commitment. You need to know what you believe in because you can only fully commit to the organization or cause when there is a good fit between what you value and the organization values. This is true too, for the people you lead.

Truth #4 Focusing on the Future Sets Leaders Apart. You have to be forward looking; it’s the quality that most differentiates leaders from individual contributors. You need to spend time reflecting on the future. Big dreams that resonate with others inspire and energize.

Truth #5 You Can’t Do It Alone. Leadership is a team sport, and you need to engage others in the cause. You need to enable others to be even better than they already are.

Truth #6 Trust Rules. To enlist others, you need trust. Build mutual trust; you must trust others too.

Truth #7 Challenge Is the Crucible of Greatness. Great achievements don’t happen when you keep things the same. Change invariably involves challenge, and challenge tests you. It introduces you to yourself. It brings you face-to-face with your level of commitment, your grittiness, and your values. It reveals your mindset about change.

Truth #8 You Either Lead by Example or You Don’t Lead at All. You have to go first as a leader. That’s what it takes to get others to follow your lead.

Truth #9 The Best Leaders Are the Best Learners. Learning is the master skill of leadership. Leaders are constant improvement fanatics.

Truth #10 Leadership Is an Affair of the Heart. Leaders love what they’re doing and those they lead. Leaders make others feel great themselves and are gracious in showing their appreciation.

These truths should form the basis of any leadership development program. Even more, they are the motivation behind the right kinds of behaviors that go into the formation of good and sustainable leadership.

There are no shortages of problems and opportunities…. Leadership is not about telling others they ought to solve these problems. It’s about seeing a problem and accepting personal responsibility for doing something about it. And it’s about holding yourself accountable for the actions that you take. The next time you see a problem and say “Why doesn’t someone do something about this?” take a look in the mirror and say instead, “I’ll be the someone to do something about it.”

Palabras Nuevas:
Ought: Debería

The Leadership Challenge, have studied leaders all over the world.

Frase Nominal PostModificador Tiempo del Verbo

the content of leadership has not changed much at all.

Premodificador Frase Nominal Tiempo del Verbo
Ten Truths about Leadership

In the last 30 years James Kouzes and Barry Posner, authors of the highly regarded leadership classic The Leadership Challenge, have studied leaders all over the world. They understand leadership.

The question they get time and time again is “What’s new in leadership?” They answer that while the context of leadership as changed dramatically, “the content of leadership has not changed much at all. The fundamental behaviors, actions, and practices of leaders have remained essentially the same since we first began researching and writing about leadership over three decades ago. Much has changed, but there’s a whole lot more that’s stayed the same.” That is probably the fundamental truth of leadership development. With that understanding, we can develop leaders in all contexts and weed out fact from fiction.

Based on thirty years of research—more than one million responses to their leadership assessment—Kouzes and Posner have gathered together in The Truth about Leadership, the ten truths that have stood the test of time and they hold true both globally and cross-generationally. They devote a chapter to each of these ten concepts:

Truth #1 You Make a Difference. Before you lead you have to believe that you can have a positive impact on others. When you believe you can make a difference, you position yourself to hear the call to lead.

Truth #2 Credibility Is the Foundation of Leadership. If people don’t believe in you, they won’t willingly follow you. You must do what you say you are going to do. This means being so clear about your beliefs that you can live them every day.

Truth #3 Values Drive Commitment. You need to know what you believe in because you can only fully commit to the organization or cause when there is a good fit between what you value and the organization values. This is true too, for the people you lead.

Truth #4 Focusing on the Future Sets Leaders Apart. You have to be forward looking; it’s the quality that most differentiates leaders from individual contributors. You need to spend time reflecting on the future. Big dreams that resonate with others inspire and energize.

Truth #5 You Can’t Do It Alone. Leadership is a team sport, and you need to engage others in the cause. You need to enable others to be even better than they already are.

Truth #6 Trust Rules. To enlist others, you need trust. Build mutual trust; you must trust others too.

Truth #7 Challenge Is the Crucible of Greatness. Great achievements don’t happen when you keep things the same. Change invariably involves challenge, and challenge tests you. It introduces you to yourself. It brings you face-to-face with your level of commitment, your grittiness, and your values. It reveals your mindset about change.

Truth #8 You Either Lead by Example or You Don’t Lead at All. You have to go first as a leader. That’s what it takes to get others to follow your lead.

Truth #9 The Best Leaders Are the Best Learners. Learning is the master skill of leadership. Leaders are constant improvement fanatics.

Truth #10 Leadership Is an Affair of the Heart. Leaders love what they’re doing and those they lead. Leaders make others feel great themselves and are gracious in showing their appreciation.

These truths should form the basis of any leadership development program. Even more, they are the motivation behind the right kinds of behaviors that go into the formation of good and sustainable leadership.

There are no shortages of problems and opportunities…. Leadership is not about telling others they ought to solve these problems. It’s about seeing a problem and accepting personal responsibility for doing something about it. And it’s about holding yourself accountable for the actions that you take. The next time you see a problem and say “Why doesn’t someone do something about this?” take a look in the mirror and say instead, “I’ll be the someone to do something about it.”

Se deben  Identificar 2 ejemplos de: artículos, verbos, sustantivos, sufijos, adjetivos, advervios, cognados (falsos y verdaderos), preposiciones, conjunciones y prefijos encontrado en textoescrito en inglés. Se sustrajo párrafos del texto para mostrar donde se ubican los ejemplos.

The question they get time and time again is "What's new in leadership?"
The use of either one or the other depends on context

When you believe you can make a difference.
You need to spend time reflecting on the future

If people don't believe in you...
Learning is the master skill of leadership.

Change invariably involves challenge
They won't willingly follow you

Leadership is a team sport
The next time you see a problem and say...

It's the quality that most differentiates leaders from individual contributors
These truths should form the basis of any leadership development program.

With that understanding, we can develop...
Change invariably involves challenge

Leadership is not about telling others they ought to solve these problems
That is probably the fundamental truth of leadership development.

You need to know what you believe in because you can only...
It brings you face-to-face with you level of commitment, your grittness, and your values.

Cognados Verdadero:

Cognados Negativo
ability <> capacidad
Hola a TOD@S este es mi primer intento en los blogs...Bienvenidos al encuentro con mis letras y palabras que al ser leidas por ustedes se convertiran en ideas y corriendo con suerte el conocimiento se convertira en aprendizaje, particularmente en este caso en el area de ingles instrumental, materia que estoy cursando por esta semana en el doctorado en ciencias gerenciales en URBE.

Mi nombre es Emmery Leon, naci en Maracaibo tengo el placer de ser Socio de la MEJOR hermana que se pueda tener, juntos formamos una empresa que se llama Cintigo Casa de Software CA cuyo objetivo es el desarrollo de soluciones biometricas para las empresas en general.

He quedado gratamente sorprendida por la magia de los Blogs, y estoy segura de que nos ayudara en la aceleracion de nuestro apredizaje no solo del ingles sino tambien de una nueva herramienta tecnologica, lo cual sin duda alguna es un super valor agregado de esta materia.

Seguimos on-line!!!

Hello Everybody this is my first attempt at blogging ... Welcome to meet my letters and words to be read by you will become ideas and hopefully running will become knowledge learning, particularly in this case the area of English instrumental stuff that I'm studying for this week in a doctorate in management science in the city.

My name is Emmery Leon, was born in Maracaibo I have the pleasure of being partners in the best sister who may have, together we form a company called Software Cintigo CA House whose purpose is the development of biometric solutions for businesses in general.

I was pleasantly surprised by the magic of blogs, and I'm sure we assist in the acceleration of our Apprenticeship not only of English but also of a new technological tool, which undoubtedly is a super added value of this field.

We remain on-line!
Aca vimos el uso del diccionario, el indice, la tabla de abreviaturas y las diferentes opciones que podemos encontrarnos al buscar el significado de una palabra.

Asi mismo verificamos que no todos lo diccionarios son iguales ni tienen las mismas opciones al momento de darnos el significado de una palabra.

Esta información es de la clase del dia de ayer 23.08.2010